Property Tax Newark


In the city of Newark you can view, search, download, print and pay your property tax bill or debt. This step-by-step guide to the Newark-New Jersey property tax process is designed to help you find, search, download, print and pay your Newark property tax bill.

How to Search, Download, Print, Pay Newark Property Tax?

Indication 1: Login to the City of Newark New Jersey Government Site

To begin the process of consulting and searching for your Newark property tax, you must first access the Newark Government website from a web browser or by clicking on the following link: Once inside the site locate and click on the Pay Online option.


Enter To City Of Newark Property Tax

Indication 2: Selecting Taxes in Newark Option

In this step we will select among the options that appear, the one that says Taxes.

Choose Taxes of Newark City

Indication 3: Search for City of Newark Property Taxes

In this part we are going to make the search of our debt or property tax that we have in Newark. For it we will use the different means of consultation that can be by account number, Block, Lot, Owner or Location. When typing the search value we continue by clicking on the blue Search Click button.

Newark Property Tax Search

Indication 4: Selection of Debt or Invoice to Consult of Newark Property Tax

From the result of the Newark Property Tax search we locate our name and address. And we continue by clicking on the button on the right called View/Pay.

Newark Property Tax Search

Indication 5: Summary of Debts or Bills Property Tax Newark

We continue with the summary of our property tax, here we see all the invoices that we have paid, the data of the forms of payment and if there are current debts with the Newark property tax. If we want to pay any debt of the Newark property tax we click on Add to cart after typing the payment value.

Newark Property Taxes Search

How to pay Newark property tax online?

Indication 6: Create Newark Property Tax Invoice Payment

When adding to the cart we will update the window and this time we will see the current processes we have. Then we will click on the Cart box.

Newark city Property Taxes Search

Indication 7: Newark Property Tax Online Payment Configuration and Review

In this section we are going to review the data that everything is correct and then we are going to click on the Checkout Button.

Checkout To Pay Property Tax Newark City

Indication 8: City of Newark Property Tax Bill Payment

To make the payment of the Newark Property Tax debt by Credit Card we will select one of the 2 Options.

Payment Online Property Tax Newark by Credit Card

Then we fill in the information of the Card and the Paying Cardholder and click continue and finally we confirm the payment. Remember that using a credit card can generate additional costs for commission.

Payment Online Property Taxes Newark City by Credit Card

Payment Online Property Taxes Newark City by Credit Card

Indication 9: Payment of Newark Property Tax by Electronic Check

If we are going to pay with Echeck we have to make sure to select the option.

Payment Online Property Taxes Newark City by Echeck

Then fill in the personal and bank information requested and click on the Continue button.

Payment Online Property Tax Newark City by Echeck

Indication 10: Newark Property Tax Online Payment Confirmation

We will confirm our Newark Property Tax payment transaction by reviewing the payer’s information and clicking on the Accpt Terms And Process Payment button.

Payment Online Confirmation Newark Property Tax

Indication 11: Finalizing Newark Property Tax Payment and Securing Payment Support

Once the payment is completed and validated, a Confirmation number will be generated. We write it down and we will also have the option to Print the Receipt by clicking on the button.

Payment Online Confirmation Number Newark Property Tax

When the support is Downloaded or Printed. We left sure and we erased the data of navigation to assure our information.

Payment Online Confirmation Number Newark Property Taxes